Job Fairs: Appropriate Attire for Teens

I was in the mall the other day while a summer job fair for teens was being held. To say that I was shocked by the way some of these teens presented themselves to future employers would be an understatement. From well-worn flip-flops to boys with baggy pants and girls with jeans so low I could see their panties, let me tell you I saw it all (and a good bit of it I wished I had not seen). In my day, I would not have been allowed to wear some of the clothes that youths today wear. I keep … Continue reading

Encouraging Teens to Attend Job Fairs

Even if a teenager isn’t convinced he or she is ready for a job (or Mom and/or Dad isn’t entirely convinced that the teen is ready for a job), local job fairs can be a great way to introduce your teen to the job opportunities available, give them practice talking with potential employers, and get the ball rolling in terms of employment and job realities. Job fairs have become increasingly popular and available, even in smaller areas. Community colleges, universities, chambers of commerce and other entities often sponsor job fairs throughout the year so employers can expose themselves to potential … Continue reading