Some More Résumé Tips

The typical résumé is often historical in nature. This does not mean that a reader will find evidence of the exact location of Atlantis or the true meaning of the Declaration of independence within its words. It usually means that the résumé lists positions a person has had and what duties were involved in each position. It’s not that there is anything wrong with that; it’s just that it lacks impetus and direction. Where should the reader go after reading about all the places you have worked and all the things you have done? Perhaps directly to jail without passing … Continue reading

What Are Hard and Soft Skills?

We all have both hard and soft skills within us, which are a part of our personality and emotional make-up. The question is: how can we use them when we are looking for a job? How can we make them more marketable, or can we? First, we should define what they are. Hard skills are specific and can be easily taught, such as being able to read or type a letter. They represent the minimum skills necessary to do a job and are the first screen employers use to weed out applicants who are obviously not qualified for the position … Continue reading

Tips For Competing Against Younger Job Seekers

If you are thinking about changing careers or maybe starting a new one a bit later in life than most, don’t despair. You can compete with anyone of any age if you have the right skills and attitude. Job-hunting, like so many things in life, requires some strategy. Here are a few thoughts on the subject. Everyone must compete with a more youthful everything and everyone as the clock ticks away on all of us, robbing our time and efforts on earth. Job-hunting is a very competitive endeavor, no matter how old you are. Keep yourself mentally prepared to compete … Continue reading

The Job Interview and Uncomfortable Questions

One sticky moment in any interview situation is when the potential employer looks at you and asks about those five years in between your last two jobs. Unless you spent them in Folsom Prison (and even if you did), the best approach is to be honest but not necessarily tell all there is to tell. If this seems a contradiction in terms, allow me to assure you it isn’t. The art of side-step walks a very thin line to be sure, but it is a line nevertheless. You have to tell the truth; there’s no way out. So what to … Continue reading

The Art of The Interview: Some Things Not To Do

Whether you are about to be interviewed by a vampire, former king of France or just the run-of-the-mill office personnel manager, there are some things that you should never do. While some of these tips might seem as obvious as not sitting for an length of time on the railroad tracks, you would be surprised at how many of the following things have actually been committed by either people I know or people I read about (that may have been committed). So a word to the wise and avoid the following if you can. 1. Never bring your dog or … Continue reading