How Long Should You Stay at Job?

There is often the discussion of longevity and loyalty on your job resume. You don’t want to look like a job hopper. Therefore, how long should you stay at a job you dislike or underpays you, so you maintain a quality career history? Some of the answers to this question will depend greatly on the situation. There is no true standard. In many circles, the year mark is significant, not only because it gives you enough time to truly evaluate the position but also to see the role in a full cycle. Still, if you are in a hot career … Continue reading

An Unexpected Job Offer

Every so often we are approached by a headhunter, previous co-worker or associate that has a job offer. These are often unplanned and unexpected, at a time we may not even be looking for a change. How should you handle these sorts of situations? First, let it boost your ego a bit. Certainly, someone has recognized your skills and quality of work. This should make you feel proud. Still, don’t let this feeling go to your head. Just because someone wants you… doesn’t mean you have to go! When presented with an opportunity you were not exactly looking for, you … Continue reading

Fending Off Job Offers

I was talking with a friend of mine recently who I hadn’t seen in a while–the last I had spoken with him, he was starting his own consulting business. He confessed that he had been lured away from his fledgling business by a tempting job offer and now was regretting that he hadn’t stuck it out just a while longer. I think this can be a hazard or a reality for many home business owners–it can be tough to stick to building a struggling home business when there is the promise of better pay and benefits (at least for the … Continue reading

Scams (Identifying email scams)

You will find a ton of information on avoiding scams all over the internet, yet people fall for them all the time. I wanted to share some tips that will help you identify a scam. In reality, a scam is usually pretty obvious. It looks like a great opportunity that you can’t believe you have actually come across something this great! However, there is always a little something that tugs at your conscious like paying for information, giving them money for a background check, or cashing a check and transferring funds. EMAIL JOB OFFERS SCENARIO 1: You get an email … Continue reading