Strategies In Dealing with the Interactive Marketplace

The interactive marketplace that comprises the vast cosmos of the Internet is a very fluid place to be, and while it may present the perfect opportunity for you to forge a name for yourself across a vast frontier, you better learn to swim fast! Learn to use the skills you have to tackle new projects, and consider some of the following tips for landing a job in this dynamic industry. Networking is the most effective way for a job seeker to get their feet in the door so to speak. Presenting yourself as part of an industry when you aren’t, … Continue reading

The Internet as a Job Market

The Internet today employs more people than the publishing or advertising industries and is laden with opportunities for job seekers. Due to the fact that many aspects of the Internet industry are still relatively new, people with little or no experience in specific fields can and often are considered as appropriate job candidates. The trick is to show a prospective employer, no matter who it is, how your current skills can be transferred to the job in question. Read, network, join organizations and attend meetings. Here are some tips that may help you in this area. You must realize that … Continue reading

Research For the Job Seeker

An American zoologist named Marston Bates (no relation to Norman of “Psycho” fame) once said that research is “the process of going up alleys to see if they are blind.” If you are an industrious job seeker, you have probably found yourself at some point mired along the job search way, and may have secretly hoped for something magical to come along and get things moving again. No magic carpet here; research will get you there, albeit not without work, but it WILL get you there. Whatever do you mean, you may ask. Well, first of all, don’t think of … Continue reading

Still More On Job Market Targets

Taking your own kind of notes is a very important part of the process of establishing job targets for yourself. With a computer it is easy; just print out your selected lists along with relevant information. If you do not have a computer, use standard-size letter sheets to copy down pertinent company information. Your notes should be highly detailed and also include the names of people in charge of hiring (or at least those in positions higher than that which you seek). When dealing with a smaller organization of say, two hundred people or less, it is likely that the … Continue reading

More Tips On Job Targets

Oscar Wilde once said, “The only difference between caprice and a life-long passion is that caprice lasts a little bit longer.” Don’t feel that way about your search for the perfect job. It’s out they’re, buried under apprehensions, misgivings, misguided intentions and undeveloped goals and aspirations. How can you establish the job targets most helpful to you in your job search? Why are they so elusive? Read on for some thoughts by a non-authority on a most difficult subject. Many people will often say that they don’t care what industry they end up working in, but when they really think … Continue reading

Seeking Job Targets: Bulls Eye!

Perhaps comic, Lily Tomlin, puts things right where they should be when she said, “I always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific.” All kidding aside, selecting job targets can be difficult and they need to be narrowed down, identified and evaluated before they can be of any help to you, the job seeker. So how is it done, you may ask. Good question and here are a few non-expert thoughts on the matter. Selecting a job target involves first choosing a specific geographic area, a specific industry or company size and a specific position within … Continue reading

Job Strategy: What Do You Really Want?

How can you decide what job you really want? The answer is by deciding which job you really want. No riddle or waste of time intended here; just the establishment of an important principle. Seek a career instead of a job. That will help cement your goals. The problem is that if you don’t make a decision as to where you really want to go, you will be riding a horse without reins, drifting from one company to another, dissatisfied and unable to dismount. Even the simple decision to stay exactly where you are can be a difficult one, for … Continue reading

Your Résumé and Difficult Questions

It is very important for your résumé to speak for and not against you. Some questions can present problems and need to be handled very delicately. For example, if you recently left a job or know that your job is about to end, should you bring attention to that fact by highlighting an ending date on your résumé? Or should you simply say “to the present”? The answer depends on what feels right for you. You can go “to the present” route as long as you come clean when the interviewer asks you if you are still there. Most résumés … Continue reading

Some Strategies For Job Seekers Over Fifty

No matter how old anyone is, without a life plan or strategy, the path to success becomes as cluttered as one’s attic. Searching for a job can be very time-consuming and exhaustive, but it can be impossible if you don’t have a plan of action. Consider these following steps for your particular path along the way to success. First of all, get a clear picture of your financial status and face the truth, no matter how bad it may be. In the words of Dr. Phil, “you can’t change what you don’t acknowledge.” This will help in determining the parameters … Continue reading