How To Do A Phone Interview

Job hunting is difficult enough. It takes time to put together the right resume for the right job. You may have several versions of your resume, each version geared to a specific type of job whether you are looking for something in management or development or training. You may be qualified in all of these areas, but you need to emphasize specific strengths for specific jobs. But you’ve done the resume and you’ve submitted it and now you’re facing the dreaded phone interview. The Phone Interview The phone interview is important. First and foremost, you’ve gotten the door to open … Continue reading

The Pros and Cons of A Video Resume

In the world of job seeking, there is a new tool on the block, or rather the Internet. It is the video resume. Digital cameras and phones with digital video capability are making it easy to create movie clips that showcase your talents. As a candidate, you can set up a website with your video resume and e-mail the link to your potential employers. Or, as some job seekers do, post your video resume on a video sharing website, such as YouTube. And, if you don’t want to go it alone, you can hire a video resume service to help … Continue reading

Tips For Competing Against Younger Job Seekers

If you are thinking about changing careers or maybe starting a new one a bit later in life than most, don’t despair. You can compete with anyone of any age if you have the right skills and attitude. Job-hunting, like so many things in life, requires some strategy. Here are a few thoughts on the subject. Everyone must compete with a more youthful everything and everyone as the clock ticks away on all of us, robbing our time and efforts on earth. Job-hunting is a very competitive endeavor, no matter how old you are. Keep yourself mentally prepared to compete … Continue reading

Skills You Need to Get Employed

In the past, all you needed to get a job was to be neat and clean and have a good work ethic. That just isn’t the case anymore. In today’s market, many willing and able workers are unable to find jobs because they lack the skills that employers require. As the world of employment grows and changes, employees are finding that they also need to grow and change. Here are a few skills that you need to get a job in today’s world. Computer Skills This is a big one. You don’t have to be a computer programmer, but you … Continue reading

Answers to Interview Questions Part 2

Here are a few more of the most common interview questions and how to answer them: Why do you want to work here? Don’t say “I don’t know”. It is also important that you explain why you want to work specifically for this company. Talk about how you are excited about where the company is going or how you think it is a great opportunity. Give reasons why you want to work for them and then follow up with how you can benefit the company. Why do you want to work in this field? If this is a new field … Continue reading