The Internet as a Job Market

The Internet today employs more people than the publishing or advertising industries and is laden with opportunities for job seekers. Due to the fact that many aspects of the Internet industry are still relatively new, people with little or no experience in specific fields can and often are considered as appropriate job candidates. The trick is to show a prospective employer, no matter who it is, how your current skills can be transferred to the job in question. Read, network, join organizations and attend meetings. Here are some tips that may help you in this area. You must realize that … Continue reading

Researching Job Targets: Where to Begin?

You may wonder why research is so important for this process of establishing job targets to work. Research can help you decide which field to go into and is a solid way to develop a list of “target companies.” Research will also improve your networking and interviewing skills as well as increase your level of confidence in interviews. Knowledge about a company you are interested in makes you look more like an insider moving up rather than an outsider pressing to get in, which is an important psychological advantage. Research may also give you just that extra edge over your … Continue reading

Seeking Job Targets: Bulls Eye!

Perhaps comic, Lily Tomlin, puts things right where they should be when she said, “I always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific.” All kidding aside, selecting job targets can be difficult and they need to be narrowed down, identified and evaluated before they can be of any help to you, the job seeker. So how is it done, you may ask. Good question and here are a few non-expert thoughts on the matter. Selecting a job target involves first choosing a specific geographic area, a specific industry or company size and a specific position within … Continue reading