Ten Signs Your Youth is Off to EFY

If you have LDS teens, then you know all about EFY (Especially For Youth). It’s a wonderful opportunity for your teens to grow spiritually. Or, it is a fantastic chance to broaden the dating pool. The definition, of course, depends on who you ask (and who they are responding to). If you don’t keep up with the calendar, your teen can give you some great signs that EFY is fast approaching. 1. They ask if they can go ahead and purchase some nice school clothes now, instead of waiting for fall. They want to look their best! 2. Suddenly, your … Continue reading

Top Ten Articles You Will Never See In the Ensign

Every month, we have the opportunity to have a wonderful magazine delivered to our doorsteps. Inside, we can find uplifting and inspiring articles to help us on our spiritual walk. We can read stories of how people applied the gospel in their day-to-day lives. We can find talks to help us with our Sunday School and Relief Society preparation. We can learn about the church around the world. But there are many things we won’t find in the church magazine. Here are just a few titles that you may as well not send in, since we will never find them … Continue reading

How to Tell You’re A Mormon Mom

Everyone wants to be a Mormon mom, even if they never admit it. Right? Well, that’s what we tell ourselves. (Suddenly, Goldie Hawn’s line in “Overboard” is running through my head: “Everyone wants to be me!”) Well, Mother’s Day is coming up soon. Here are the top ten ways to tell that you are a real, live LDS mother (you know, as opposed to those fake Mormon Moms walking around out there). 1. You can do amazing and even healthy things with lime jello. 2. You haven’t been able to fast since before your first child was born, due to … Continue reading

Top 10 Things You Don’t Want to Hear From Your Kids During Sacrament

The chapel is quiet. Every head is reverently bowed as men and women around you ponder the Savior’s atonement. Even the children seem to grasp the solemn nature of the divine gift from above. Then, suddenly, to your horror, your child makes an announcement that echoes through the silent room. Kids have a tendency to be oblivious to things that make their parents blush. They also seem to enjoy making the pronouncements in as a loud a voice as possible, particularly when everyone else can hear them. If you’re lucky, your kids won’t think to make one of these pronouncements: … Continue reading

Top 10 Things I Wish I Knew About Raising LDS Kids

Before my first child was born, I did everything I could possibly do to prepare for the changes in my life. I read every parenting book I could put my hands on, and convinced myself that I was prepared – I even knew that there would be a lot of things I couldn’t prepare for. I was ready. I was set. Then, suddenly, I was a mom. And I realized that none of the parenting books could even come close to adequately describing reality. But the most interesting discovery I made as my babies morphed into toddlers was that none … Continue reading