Why You Should Get Your Kids to Jump Rope

Did you know that 15 percent of American children are overweight or obese? Even more alarming is the fact that according to the Centers for Disease Control, that number has doubled in the past two decades. As a result, doctors say parents should encourage their children to engage in any kind of activity to get them moving. Jumping rope is not only good for boosting your mood during cold, gloomy winter days, but it is also a simple and fun exercise that burns calories. If your child has shifted into couch potato mode and you are looking for a way … Continue reading

Get Fit By Jumping Rope

Skipping rope is no longer just for kids. Rope jumping is considered one of the most effective cardiovascular workouts available for adults. The simple movements can be done by both beginners and advanced exercisers. In addition, the price of a single jump rope makes the workout an affordable option for cash strapped fitness fanatics. Fitness experts classify jumping rope as an “excellent” fat burner. According to the National Institutes of Health, jumping rope burns approximately 750 calories per hour, which is more than any other traditional workout except running. What’s more, you can easily burn additional calories by jumping faster. … Continue reading

J is for Jump Rope

The jump rope is a great piece of fitness equipment. First and foremost, the jump rope is inexpensive and you can pick one up at a Target or Wal-Mart for under $10. Jumping rope is something you can do with your kids and it’s a great way to get a power workout in fifteen minutes or a less. Try jumping rope 10 minutes a day and you’ll notice a profound change in your overall fitness. Jumping rope gets your heart rate up faster than just about any other cardiovascular workout outside of running. Many athletes use the jump rope in … Continue reading

Fitness Gifts for Kids

So you’re standing in the middle of Toys R Us and you’re staring at this absolute plethora of games, video games, toys, dolls and more. The music overhead is just this side of monotonous and you’re looking down at the Christmas wish list written by your child and the mind just boggles. You want to give your child a great deal of opportunities. You want to give your child the chance at a better world, a better one than you have known and ultimately you want to leave to them what you know. Don’t Just Go for What’s Hot Right … Continue reading

Create an Obstacle Course

Another great way to get kids outside and keep them active is to help them create an obstacle course in the yard. Running, jumping, and climbing are great ways for kids to stay in shape and to have fun. Start by marking out your course. You can use brightly colored yarn or string for an outline as well as a starting point and a finish line. Select items from around the home and yard that are safe to use and are not likely to cause injury. Position items so children have to run around them or climb over, under, or … Continue reading