Your Week in Fitness – Things We Have Learned and Discussed Sept 4-9

Welcome to a new feature that I plan to deliver every week here in the Fitness blog. Saturdays are a time where we can recoup from the week, but also to see where we’ve been before moving on to where we are going. With that in mind, every Saturday, I’ll provide you with your fitness week in review and discuss some of the highlights of our previous week here in the Fitness blog. Please let me know what you think of these reviews so I can help tailor them to your needs! September 4 Labor Day was a day for … Continue reading

Blast Your Workout: Jump Roping

Do you remember jumping rope when you were a kid? You could jump rope by yourself or with others. There were plenty of rhymes and rope jumping songs you could sing or chant to keep you motivated on course for getting the most number of jumps in your jump roping routine. One of my favorites is one my daughter likes to chant now: Cinderella went upstairs to kiss her fella, she made a mistake and kissed a snake, how many doctors did it take: 1, 2, 3, 4 … The point was to jump with each syllable in the words … Continue reading