The Junk Drawer: A Crowded Phenomenon

America is known as the land of plenty and its citizens are certainly known to have a lot of “stuff.” The ever-growing monster known to the modern world as the “junk drawer” no less epitomizes this concept. Usually found in or near the kitchen, this catchall attic, basement, and sometimes sewer can lurk anywhere in the home, and it lives with every family under the sun. The problem is that as the amount of “stuff increases”, the space to put it somewhere diminishes. (This is sometimes known as the “law of diminishing returns” but it is more often called “junk … Continue reading

Organizing Helps You Save Money

We have all done it… purchased a duplicate (or even more than one) of something we already bought, simply because we could not find the original. Usually, the item mysteriously reappears as soon as you give in and buy another one, but sometimes, you don’t find it until many replacements later. For me, it used to be handheld can openers. I never really had a spot for the can opener, so it would end up in the junk drawer, in the silverware drawer, or in the big crock where I store mixing spoons and spatulas. Sometimes, it would disappear altogether, … Continue reading