Clay Cane Bead

This type of clay bead takes parental help, but you will like the results just as much as the kids will. Matching bracelets are definitely in order. Caned beads are often called “millifiori” which means “thousand flowers” in Italian. You can make the canes as small and ornate as you want. This project has a fairly simple flower pattern which is a good launching point for more complicated beads. You will need: Four contrasting colors polymer clay (Fimo Soft or Sculpey III), here I use orange, blue, yellow and turquoise Waxed paper or clean, washable work surface Glass or rolling … Continue reading

Clay Tube Beads

These are maybe the easiest and most versatile clay beads for you to make with your kids. They can do most of the work on their own, but will need your help with the slicing. Learn how to make a simple tube bead first and then you can add swirls, dots, or your own original decoration. The possibilities with these beads are endless. Here, I’ve sewn them onto a foam picture frame. They make great jewelry, bookmarks, keychains, or anywhere you put beads. Basic Tube Bead 1. Make an even snake of clay, about 1/2 inch thick. Roll the snake … Continue reading

Checkerboard Beads

Your boys will like these beads because if you use bright, bold colors, they won’t look feminine at all. You can string them on a keychain or on a clip to hook to a backpack or belt loop, or string a few on a leather cord for a bracelet. You will need: Two contrasting colors Sculpey or Fimo Soft Smooth drinking glass or rolling pin Sharp knife Wire or skewer 1. Roll two logs of clay, one red and one black. Roll out a thin sheet of clay in the same colors, long enough and wide enough to go around … Continue reading

Paper Beads

Making paper beads out of magazine pages is a classic craft that has never gone out of style.(I even made them back in the late 70s when I was a kid.) You can also use wrapping paper, or any of the great scrapbooking papers that are out now. Your kids will love these beads in their original form or with a new twist. What I have to offer here that’s new are truly original paper beads because you make the paper yourself. These beads have a different look, too, because you use dark paper and shiny gel pens. You can … Continue reading

Making Beads with Kids

Kids love to string beads, but it’s even more gratifying when they’ve made the beads themselves. There are a lot of different ways to make terrific homemade beads, which I’ll share with you over the next few weeks. These beads are made from an air-dry clay you make in your own kitchen. The whole process, from clay to wearable beads, takes some time, so this method is best when you know you’ll have a few chunks of time over a couple of days. If you want to skip a step, you can buy air-dry clay in the crafts department of … Continue reading

Plaster Bowl Craft

Our family discovered plaster strips for crafting after my son came home with a mask he’d made in art class. We all oohed and aahed because it was pretty cool, but we really got excited when we tried out this craft material for ourselves. Apparently art teachers have been using this material for mask-making for a long time, but it’s just now catching on to the general craft market for other uses. The plaster fabric comes in a roll and is just like the stuff the doctor uses to make a cast on your arm. You can mold the plaster … Continue reading

Homemade Finger Paint

All this week, I’ve been giving you ideas for preschool crafts that help are easy, fun, and clean. Here, I digress. It’s time to get messy. There’s nothing wrong with making a big, crafty mess once in a while if you’ve got a little time and patience for cleanup. This is a favorite activity for preschoolers because there is none of the fine motor skills frustration they often encounter when crafting. And it feels so squishy, swirly good! My friend, who gave me this recipe, says her kids behave like perfect angels in church if she promises them finger painting … Continue reading

Five Easy Preschool Crafts

When the creative urge strikes your preschooler, here are ten easy craft ideas that you can do right away because you probably have all the materials handy. 1. Cottonball Snowman – Draw the outline of a snowman on a piece of paper (dark blue paper is nice) and let your preschooler glue cotton balls in the outline to create a dimensional snowman. Glue on paper eyes and buttons. Use crayons or markers to draw on a hat and arms. Sticker stars are nice for the background. 2. Spiral Snake – Give your preschooler crayons or washable markers and have him … Continue reading

Bath Time Fun Preschool Crafts

Preschooler + Crafts = A Big Mess, right? Not necessarily, especially when you try these crafts that are ideal for bath time. First, an all-time favorite preschool activity: Bubbles! What’s different here is that you can make the solution and even a custom wand yourself, and then let your child blow the bubbles while he or she is in the bath tub. It’s fun, and the extra soap from popped bubbles can only help get little tikes clean. Bubble Solution 3 cups water 1 cup dishwashing liquid 1/3 cup corn syrup Mix all the ingredients gently in a large container. … Continue reading

Treasure Bottle Preschool Craft

A treasure bottle is fun to make with your preschooler, and after the craft is finished, it’s a toy your child will enjoy playing with. You can also play games with the treasure bottle, so there are three worthwhile reasons to give it a try! You will need: Empty 24-ounce plastic soda bottle with a screw-on lid, cleaned and dried, with the label removed. Craft sand Glitter Marbles or large rhinestones Old costume jewelry Small plastic toys or other “treasures” Funnel Glue 1. Put the funnel in the top of the bottle and pour in enough sand to fill the … Continue reading