Family Travel: More Kid-Friendly Restaurants

I don’t know about you, but when our family hits the road for a family vacation there are only so many meals I can tolerate ordering from a hanging fluorescent menu. By day two I insist we eat at least one meal at a sit-down restaurant. However, I realize that this can add up (especially if you are not staying at a condo or resort with a kitchen that allows you to make your own meals). In a previous blog I provided a list of some of our family’s favorite roadside pit stops. Here now are a few affordable additions … Continue reading

Family Travel—Kid-Friendly Restaurants

If you’re hitting the road this summer you’ll likely be making frequent pit stops at fast-food favorites (if not for the food, at least for the restrooms). However, if you’re like me, you get to the point where just looking up at another hanging fluorescent menu can make your stomach turn. Thank goodness for sit-down family restaurants. Most are kid-friendly, clean and affordable. (My criteria for an acceptable pit stop.) There are some regional and national restaurant chains that are better than others when it comes to catering to families with young children. Here’s a breakdown of some of my … Continue reading