Overscheduled Kids = Parental Stress

Forget about emotionally scarring your kids by enrolling them in a litany of extra-curricular activities. According to a new study, the endless stream of piano lessons, soccer practices, Cub Scout meetings and ballet recitals, is more stressful on parents than anyone else. Childhood experts at the University of Maryland at College Park maintain that parents of overscheduled kids are the ones who suffer the most emotional stress when it comes to juggling multiple activities. Turns out, most kids are fine being shuttled from sporting event to sporting event and then to music lessons, dance class and oh, don’t forget, school. … Continue reading

Helping Kids Deal With Stress

When we think of stress, we typically think about adults and stress but our kids are just as venerable to stress as we are. Some of the events that can cause stress to kids include: When their parents are having problems. Fighting with a friend or a sibling. Taking a test, grades, school and homework. Teens often stress over whether someone thinks they are attractive. Not having enough privacy. Transferring to a new school. Parent(s) remarrying. Not having enough money. Feeling a teacher does not like them. Peers, gossip and teasing. How do kids handle stress? According to a KidsHealth … Continue reading