Can Parents Ever Get It Right?

Complain, complain, complain. No, I’m not referring to my kindergartner, who has the ability to find quirks in the most perfect situations. I’m referring to so-called childhood “experts,” who never seem to have anything positive to say about parents these days. Granted, there are a ton of maniacal moms and bad dads roaming the planet, who deserve to be chastised, but I know for a fact that the number of civilized parents, who are just trying to raise decent human beings, far outnumber their crazy counterparts. So why is it that “experts” in the parenting world feel the need to … Continue reading

Why Do I Even Bother?

Why do I even bother asking my kid to find anything? Why? Nothing ever good comes from it. Never mind that the items I’m asking my 5-year-old to locate belong to her. Her mittens, her scarf, her boots, her socks, her backpack, her library book… Why? Why do I waste precious time, energy and oxygen lecturing her about responsibility and being conscientious about her belongings? Why do I rant about creating a system whereby she places her winter gear in the same exact spot each day, so she can find them in that exact spot each day? Why do I … Continue reading

Paying for Your Child’s Bad Behavior in School

What kind of punishment would really hit you where it hurts in regards to paying for your child’s bad behavior in school? British government officials say parents of poorly behaved students are no longer deterred by moves to shame the family name as punishment to get their kids to act properly, so they’ve decided to hit moms and dads where it really hurts—-in their wallets. According to reports, parents in the United Kingdom – whose kids attend state schools – will now be required to sign a contract that promises their children will behave while at school. The government’s new … Continue reading