Why Homeschool?: Energy Level

If I was ever asked to describe my son in two words or less, I would say “pure energy.” I once had a mom with twins tell me she felt sorry for me. Jonathan’s energy is one of the many reasons I chose to homeschool. That statement may not make sense right off the bat, but let me explain. If Jonathan went to public school, I am sure he would be diagnosed with ADHD. If that were the case, I would be pressured to put him on drugs to help with that. If I were to diagnose him, I would … Continue reading

Homeschool Glossary (words homeschoolers should know) – U-V-W

Unschooling – Unschooling is also called student led education and means that the child controls what he or she would learn. When the child shows interest in a topic, the parents would provide resources that will help them. Unschooling is often dismissed as being irresponsible or negligent, but when combined with unit studies or done responsibly, unschooling is incredibly successful. Many homeschoolers do not use unschooling out of fear that their child will have educational holes (will not learn some important lessons). Educator John Holt detailed the unschooling approach to home education in his book Teach Your Own. The unschooling … Continue reading