Storing Your Small Kitchen Appliances

Is your kitchen easy to use with a lot of counter space? You might be dreaming of a new kitchen but sometimes just removing clutter from the counter and properly storing your kitchen appliances can give you extra counter space and make your kitchen seem new. Yesterday, I shared the first steps in organizing the kitchen counter. If you took that information to heart, you should be well on your way to removing anything that doesn’t belong in your kitchen. Now let’s talk about the things that may belong, the appliances. That is right, I said may because chances are … Continue reading

Some Dishwasher Dos and Don’ts

Your dishwasher is your friend and as such it deserves its fair share of respect and attention. It does its best for you and your family day after day, without complaint or requests for overtime. So remember this old credo and you won’t get into trouble: Ask not what your dishwasher can do for you but what you can do for your dishwasher. Political addresses aside, here are some tips that both you and your dishwasher will like. Removing Dishwasher Film Fill the dishwasher with dirty dishes but leave out any silver or other metals. Talk to these pieces before … Continue reading