The Law of Diminishing Dishes: Huh?

How can we avoid that build-up in the kitchen sink every day that is part of life for all of us who choose to eat? Is there some way to make it stop or at least to lessen the load? Or is it all like the incoming tide; unavoidable and endless? Perhaps some hope lies below with the following tips. Avoid using dishes and bowls for marinating. Use self-sealing plastic bags instead (but don’t misunderstand and seal your self in the bag instead). Flip the bag every so often so that the contents get a penetrating soak. Use only one … Continue reading

Some More Kitchen Cleaning Tips

While some of the following ideas may seem obvious to most of you, I am sure there are some people out there who haven’t really given a lot of thought to the following suggestions. (I know that I used to be one of them until I really thought about these.) Keep a broom nearby. The kitchen gets a lot of traffic, and as such should be maintained daily. Having a broom in sight will encourage you because out of sight is out of mind. This is also true for the insects you will not attract by keeping the kitchen floor … Continue reading

Kitchen Cleaning Strategies

Keeping a kitchen clean is a formidable task and according to many, just like the words of that old Perry Como song, “It’s Impossible.” This is an attempt to present some helpful tips to those of you out there who are brave enough to conquer new cleaning worlds, namely your own kitchen. Pay attention, for there may be a quiz afterwards. So hold your nose, get your sponge and here we go. The first tip which can make a very big difference in the appearance of your kitchen (making it look clean) is the to clear the counters. Knick-knack displays … Continue reading