A Healthy (and Sanitary) Kitchen

Where and how you store your stuff can make a big difference in how clean and healthy your kitchen is. Here are some tips to keep things sanitary — and help keep you and your family healthy. Don’t put your pocketbook on the kitchen counter. Studies from the University of Arizona have found up to ten thousand bacteria per square inch on the bottoms of purses! Think about some of the places you stick your pocketbook — under your seat at lunch, on the floor in the bathroom at work — do you want that on your kitchen counter? Don’t … Continue reading

Cleaning The Kitchen Sink

The kitchen sink is a not only the subject of a catchall expression, but also a catchall place. Dishes, produce, cats and even children who like odd places to play have at one time or another left their individual mark or paw-print on the kitchen sink. The question at hand becomes: How can you remove these things? Well, some help is below, if you dare to know. Stainless Steel Sinks Baking soda (another catchall commodity) will come to the rescue every time when you need to give your stainless steel sink a really good clean. Sprinkle a little on a … Continue reading

A Cleaner Kitchen Is Up To…Who?

My kitchen never quite passes inspection except maybe after Thanksgiving dinner when everyone is too full of turkey and libation to waddle over and notice the clutter and the dirt. For some strange gravitational reason, guests often find their way to the kitchen and enter even if a sign tells them not to dare under pain of monsters unknown. Since we can’t keep them out, the question remains: How can we transform our kitchens into an experience that isn’t reminiscent of scenes from horror movies? Surely there must be something we can do! Consider the following options: 1. Clear the … Continue reading

The Kitchen Sink: Wherever Did It Come From?

The classic plumbing definition of a sink is a bowl-shaped fixture made of porcelain or stainless steel that is used for washing hands or small objects such as dishes and underwear. The idea of a sink probably dates back to prehistoric times when Neanderthal man made water basins out of big rocks that eroded into a concave shape by centuries of rain. The idea of a kitchen sink came of course much later, when indoor fireplaces replaced open hearths and leopard skins and clubs gave way to “civilized” clothing and walking sticks. The kitchen sink has always been a mutant … Continue reading

Selecting a Sink: Kitchen Sinks

Whether you are building a home or renovating your existing kitchen, there are many decisions that you will have to make. You literally have to choose everything that goes into the space, including the kitchen sink! So, how do choose a sink that provides convenient function and maintenance, and at the same time looks attractive and stylish? Here are a few things to keep in mind when you’re shopping for a kitchen sink: 1. First decide which type of faucets and other features, such as a spray nozzle or a pot filling faucet, you would like to incorporate. Make sure … Continue reading