Diary of a Cat Care B&B: Kitten Mania!

I tend to think of spring and early summer as kitten time, more than fall. But we’ve had a bunch of kittens make an appearance at the cats-only boarding facility lately. It started when one of our vets — Doctor K. — came back from a weekend trip. While she was hiking with the family, they were approached by a pair of very young kittens. As Doctor K. described it, they came bounding out of a field towards the family! She trapped the kittens and brought them home (much to the disgust of her two adult male cats), then into … Continue reading

Diary of a Cat Care B&B: Absolute Cuteness!

Do you ever experience those moments with a pet that are just too cute to be real? Incidents that belong on the movie screen — or at least on a funny pet video show? We recently had a young cat at the cats only boarding facility. An adorable grey tabby, less than a year old, with big eyes and a knack for getting into trouble. His name (Jinxie) totally suited him. And he did all kinds of cute things while he was with us: His curious paws would knock (or pull) things off the storage shelves. He actually managed to … Continue reading

The Little Cat Baby – Allan Ahlberg

There once was a time when children thought that babies were brought by the stork or found in the parsley patch. In “The Little Cat Baby,” babies were obtained at the baby shop, which was run by a woman named Nurse Doodle. Whenever a man and a woman wanted a baby, they would head off to the shop to get one. One day, a particular man and woman headed in to the shop. They looked at lots of babies of every size and shape. There was a cry-baby, a flower-pot-throwing baby, and even a baby robot in a box, ready … Continue reading

The Dog Who Had Kittens – Polly M. Robertus

Baxter is a basset hound – you know, the kind with the long ears that droop and drag all over the ground. Bassets love to relax in the sun, and that’s just what he was doing one bright spring morning when the boy began shouting for everyone to come and look and Eloise. Well, naturally, Baxter wanted to see what all the fuss was about, so he made his way to the shed too, where Eloise the cat was hunkered down in her box. Baxter could see tiny little bodies in next to Eloise just as she hissed and scratched … Continue reading

Children’s Picture Books about Animals

Children and animals seem to have a connection – they head straight for each other at every opportunity. Today I’m reading two picture books that contain animals. “Kittens, Kittens, Kittens” by Susan Meyers, illustrated by David Walker shows us many different kinds of kittens, from orange ones to gray ones, little and big, fluffy and not fluffy. Some are slender, sleek and shiny, and the newborns are as soft as silk. They bounce, pounce and mew – they’re everywhere! They chase toys, take naps, drink their milk, and go on trips. They love to snuggle and even climb trees. They … Continue reading

Meow Means Mischief – Ann Whitehead Nagda

In the intermediate book “Meow Means Mischief,” we meet Rana, a girl who has just moved to a new home with her little sister Tara and her parents. She’s insecure about her new school – the other children seem so confident and like they know what they’re doing all the time. Rana knows the move was good for her family – the house is bigger and they have room for the things they need, but she still feels like an outsider. One day Rana sees a cute little kitten outside the patio doors, and she falls in love with it. … Continue reading