What I Call Life – Jill Wolfson

“What I Call Life” is a young adult fiction novel set around the Pumpkin House, an orange building filled to the brim with foster children who operate under the care of the Knitting Lady. When Cal Lavender’s mother has another one of her “episodes,” this time in a public library, eleven-year-old Cal isn’t fazed. This is normal behavior for her mother. Soon she’ll snap out of it and everything will be fine, until the next time. But the authorities are called and Betty is taken off for treatment, while Cal is taken to the Pumpkin House. She doesn’t know what … Continue reading

Loom Knitting – Fun For All Ages

I picked up the Knifty Knitter looms on a whim about a year ago. The pack of four were on sale for about seven dollars. Many years ago, I had a long loom called a Knitting Jenny. As a girl, I never did learn how to cast on and off the loom but I loved to knit on it. With regular needles I always had gaps and holes and loose threads. I�ve taught a couple of children to knit on these looms. The knitting looms make knitting very easy. All you really need to do is to wrap your yarn … Continue reading

Recycling Yarn: Unraveling a Thrift Store Find Can Save You Big Bucks

Knitting and crocheting are wonderful hobbies. Not only are they fun and creative, but they usually give you practical finished products. Knitting, especially, has seen a huge surge in popularity, along with a huge surge in the price of real wool for knitting. How much would you pay for two pounds of soft knitting wool? How about $3 or less? The local thrift store is a great secret for finding inexpensive and good quality wool yarn. Many people donate the wool sweaters they got for the holidays and have hardly worn. With just a little time spent unravelling a good … Continue reading