Who’s the Boss Around Here, Anyway?

As many of you know, my children are nearly grown—or so THEY think. With one about to graduate and another close on her heels and one more in high school too—it is starting to get tougher and tougher to tell who is in charge anymore around here with all the know-it-alls. I have always felt like I was very solidly the ruler of this roost, but to hear everyone else talk any more, you’d be hard-pressed to figure out who the boss is—or how many bosses we actually have! Everyone is an expert anymore and in the course of an … Continue reading

There is Nothing Like a Child to Remind You That You Don’t Know it All

I am not a dumb woman…at least I didn’t think so prior to becoming a parent. In fact, I was quite certain I had all sorts of knowledge and what I didn’t know, I figured I could find a way to learn it when I needed it. Being a parent, however, has been the one thing in my life that has humbly reminded me that there is so much in this world that I really DON’T know! It isn’t that my children tell me I’m stupid (at least they didn’t until they became teenagers and they don’t try to get … Continue reading

Proficiency is Important

To my way of thinking, a person doesn’t have to be an expert to be proficient. While some of our customers and clients may expect us to be “the best in the business”—most will settle for a high level of proficiency. So, what does it mean to actually be proficient in our home businesses and how can we get that way? In order to be proficient, one must have a reasonably high level of expertise. Having some aptitude and a solid understanding of what your business is all about is important. Being able to explain your products and services and … Continue reading

Keep in Mind, You’re the Expert (And They Are Not)

Recently, I was at a conference where the speakers were definitely experts and leaders in their fields. However, I noticed that while some of them were fine teachers—some of the others who knew so much about their topics had a really hard time teaching and making things understandable for the attendees. I realized that this often affects us in our businesses—the more we know, the more of an expert we are, the harder it can be to share our information with people who don’t know anything about it at all. I think when we really know a subject well—when we’ve … Continue reading

Learning On the Job

I confess that I am a big reader—if I can find a book or a magazine article on something I am curious about or need to know that is my preferred way of learning. When I was a new parent, it was all about the parenting books. I read cookbooks, how-to books on various subjects, and definitely the business books. But, the truth is, there are just some things you can only learn on the job… One of the fabulous things about operating your own business is that the lessons can be endless. Unlike a more “traditional” job where you … Continue reading

If You Could Start All Over in Your Home Business, What Do You Wish You Knew?

Most of us have learned by doing in our home businesses. No matter how many months or years of research, planning, and reading we put into things before we hung up our shingle and opened our home-based business, chances are, we learned most of what we know about owning and operating a business or being an independent contractor by the actual day-to-day details of our work. But, have you ever stopped to ask yourself—if you could start all over again—what you wish you had known at the beginning? If I had it to do all over again, most of the … Continue reading

Are You Using What You Know?

It is one thing to get training and gain experience in a particular field, interest, or business–it is another thing to actually apply that knowledge to your home business to help it grow and thrive. Are you taking full advantage of all that you bring to your business and really using what you know? One of the complaints I hear often from people who get burned out or leave unfulfilling jobs is that they don’t feel like they are able to use what they know, what they have been educated and trained for, and they are not feeling fully utilized … Continue reading

School Isn’t the Only Place to Get Educated

We parents expect a great deal from our schools and the “educational process”—and, we have every right and reason to. BUT, with the increased budget cuts and changes in our schools, more and more is being left out of curriculum and classrooms. Additionally, we may forget that there are plenty of other places and ways for our children to obtain information, knowledge, and education OUTSIDE of school… Of course there are extracurricular activities like dance, sports and arts classes—but there are plenty of other opportunities to obtain “education” that we might not think of. Volunteering for community or church projects … Continue reading

The Creation

When I was growing up, there was a big hype over creationism vs. evolution, or sometimes creationism vs. Darwinism. How blessed I feel to have been raised with ready access to the book of Genesis, which tells us, right upfront: “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1:1. In a world where more and more people are leaning away from religion and seeking to solve their problems either by their own merit or by relying on science, it brings me comfort to have the knowledge that the world was created by God. Compare the two side … Continue reading

Devotions of Desire

What do you think of when you hear the word “desire”? Maybe you think of worldly desires. Maybe you think of desires you might have for the future, such as a desire to lose weight or that your children marry a godly spouse. More than likely you do not immediately associate the word with God or the Bible. However, Christians should desire things in the Lord, as well as desire to do certain things in the Lord. Christians should desire some things: Christians should desire to do the will of God. Christians should desire God. Christians should desire wisdom. Christians … Continue reading