Don’t Ignore Problems in Marriage

In any marriage there are difficult times and often they can be worked through as we talk them out. But much as we might like to think we can handle any problems in our marriage and work them out on our own, sometimes we may need to admit that we need help. This blog was prompted by a comment posted in response to another blog. In Packed to the Rafters, an Aussie TV show very popular here at present the husband Dave, had this to say ‘men have a way of dealing with problems. They ignore them.’ There’s a certain … Continue reading

Identifying Weeds in a Marriage

Yesterday we looked at a few deceptive weeds that can creep into a marriage by looking attractive at first. A lot depends on your definition of weed. You might have different ideas about what is a weed and what is not. Though other people might call them flowers, like snowball trees, snowdrops, or white jonquils to me they are weeds. In our garden anything that flowers white is a weed by my standards. Mick dutifully g digs them out, because he knows how I hate them. But some weeds easy to spot. Here, in no particular order, are some weeds … Continue reading