When You Haven’t Got a Single Smile Left

There are those days–fortunately for me they do not happen very often, but I admit that there are still those days where I find myself at a place where I cannot seem to find a single smile. No matter how I try to shrug off the stresses or the day’s challenges–maybe I am wrestling with a migraine or have had to cope with worries and stresses magnified. Whatever the reason, coming home to your family and kids when you cannot find a single smile can be a problem… When my kids were much younger and had a tendency to be … Continue reading

When Kids are With the Other Parent, it isn’t Babysitting

While we may get used to solo parenting and think of ourselves as our child’s primary parent—at least many of us single parents do—if there is another parent involved in co-parenting our children, it can be easy to think of them as a “substitute” or a babysitter. For our children, however, it is better if we acknowledge the other parent as an equal and do not treat him or her like a secondary figure. I confess that in my mind, I think of my children as “living” with me and “visiting” their dad’s house. I know my kids do not … Continue reading

Is it Me? Or is Someone Else Being Difficult?

We talk a great deal here in the Home Business Blog about how to cope with challenging customers, negative attitudes, and special requests, but sometimes it really is not the OTHER person who is being difficult—sometimes, the communication breakdown or attitude adjustment is our own entire problem… I have a couple very close friends who I know I can count on to call me on my “stuff” when I act crabby or inappropriate. My kids can sometimes be gifts in this department too. I do not know all the ins and outs of human nature, and I certainly do not … Continue reading

The “Good” Life

Recently, a single parent friend was talking to me and she shared that she would really love to be living “the good life” but that it just wasn’t possible for single parents. What? What does that actually mean and why is it that we let society tell us that we are outsiders? Why do we let ourselves believe that the “good” life or the American Dream or whatever is not available to us simply because we are single parents? I fully acknowledge that life can get rough and bumpy for a single parent, but I also think that we can … Continue reading

Labeling Customers and Clients

I realized the other day that I have a tendency to “label” customers, clients, and vendors in my work and business—there are troublemakers, well-behaved ones, and colicky folks—just to share a few of my labels. I also realized that I have a tendency to label them pretty early on and expect them to stay true to form for the duration—not exactly the best way to go about things if I want to nurture relationships and cultivate contacts! I guess that I would NOT want to be labeled as a troublemaker or an idiot all because of one interaction. How could … Continue reading

Who Really Wants to Be Told What to Do?

Like many American families, we tend to be having battles of wills and autonomy around here all the time. Either my kids are trying to tell me how things should be done, or I am trying to provide them with necessary directions in life. What I have learned, however, is that it does not seem to matter how old or how acquiescent we seem to be, nobody REALLY wants to be told what to do… For me, acknowledging that my kids do not really want to be told what to do any more than I do, it helps me to … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: Can I Still Breastfeed if my Baby is Lactose Intolerant

Yesterday, I answered a reader’s question about whether or not it was possible to be unable to digest breast milk due to lactose intolerance. We discussed the difference between primary lactose intolerance and secondary lactose intolerance. While primary lactose intolerance is extremely rare and is a genetic disorder, secondary lactose intolerance is always caused by damage to the gut. It is a temporary condition as long as the gut is allowed to heal. What causes secondary lactose intolerance? Anything that damages the gut, where lactase is produced, can cause secondary lactose intolerance. The condition need not be permanent however, as … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: Lactose Intolerance, Reflux and Breastfeeding

Question: I was wondering about this. my neighbor said she couldn’t BF because he was lactose intolerant, which lead to horrible reflux. would that much be possible? This comment was left on my other post about breastfeeding and whether or not a baby can truly be allergic to breast milk. I am sad to say that more often than not, I hear of bad advice and misunderstanding surrounding breastfeeding problems than sound, well researched advice. It is possible that a baby can be lactose intolerant and therefore unable to breastfeed but highly improbable. True (Primary) Lactose Intolerance What is referred … Continue reading

25 Blessings – Part 2

Continuing on from the first 12 blessings of my last blog, here are the next 13 as they came to me. 13. For the privilege of prayer and the answers He has given me 14. For the friends he has brought into my life 15. For daily reminders of His love as I read His Word and as look around me at the beauty of creation 16. That I was able play five sets of tennis yesterday and am physically able to do that and enjoy being with other people – Christian and non Christian. 17. For opportunities to talk … Continue reading

Watch Out for Being Patronizing

Let’s face it, as parents most of us just KNOW that we know more than our kids. Even as our children get older, it can be hard to let go of those reigns and allow our children to be right, knowledgeable or in charge of their own lives a little. We can become patronizing and act “superior” to our children. There is a difference between having authority and commanding respect and being patronizing—and our children will respond differently to us depending on how we behave toward them… Being patronizing can be just another way of cutting into a child’s self-esteem. … Continue reading