RENT: It Can Be a Four Letter Word

If you have ever owned a rental property, you can probably relate to the title. If you recently began renting out property or managing rental properties, you’ll soon begin to understand. While rental properties can be an excellent source of extra income, as well as being an investment tool, they also provide many challenges. As an income property, you can make extra money collecting rents. However, don’t forget there are also expenses. You are not likely to get rich renting out one unit, as the expenses are often nearly as much as the amount you’ll be able to charge. By … Continue reading

Your Fico Score, Your Mortgage, Your Landlord

Your FICO score is the three digit number that is the result of reports of your credit history. FICO is an acronym for the Fair Isaac Corporation, the company which developed the system for calculating the score based on your borrowing activity. Increasingly, this has become a very important number for anyone not only buying a home, but renting one as well. The FICO scores of prospective job applicants are also checked by some employers. When applying for a mortgage, the FICO score determines what types of loans and rates you are eligible for. If you have a low score … Continue reading