Why I Love My Laptop

Are laptops absolutely necessary? Probably not, unless you are me. When I received a laptop a couple of years ago, my whole world changed. I became less stressed, grew three inches taller, lost 20 pounds and developed sparkling white teeth. Well, maybe not, but I did grow less stressed. Getting a laptop is a definite choice to be made. Laptops are generally more expensive than desktops and may have some limitations in terms of power and capabilities. They also tend to become appendages, never far from their owner. I know one full time employee of the corporate world who got … Continue reading

Laptops and Courthouse Research

I have been getting quite a few responses lately regarding the courthouse research opportunity, which is fantastic–I love to receive feedback and encourage any questions or ideas to be sent to me at Hava L {at} Families dot com. One question that I have forgotten to answer and I realized that once I went through my e-mails, is the question of whether you need a laptop. The short answer is no, you technically don’t need a laptop. But, as in the case of taking children with you to the courthouse, there is the technically correct answer, and then there is … Continue reading

Reason #176 I Love Working at Home

Reason #176 I love working at home? I don’t actually have to be at home to do it. As I sit and type this, I am at my parent’s house, three hours from home. My in-laws are on their way to a conference, and they offered to let me tag along for the ride, in order to visit my parents. It wasn’t out of their way (my parents only live two minutes off the freeway, so it was easy to drop me off and keep going) but it was still awfully nice of my in-laws to make the offer. They … Continue reading

Create an Extra Surface out of Thin Air

If you could use some extra surface space, such as a place to set your laptop, a desk for kids to study, a serving table, or a few more feet of counter space, this project is for you. If you can attach some hinges to the wall and to a piece of wood, or have someone attach them for you, you can add a work surface to any room in your home and have it in place before tomorrow. You can make your work surface any size you want, but for this project, we’ll go with a 20″ x 30″ … Continue reading

Fun with Fonts!

I can say that I am mildly obsessed with fonts. I own an encyclopedia of fonts and I labor over every stylistic decision I need to make for my online tee shirt and gift shop. Even years ago, I used to spend hours upon hours designing my old record label’s website. To this day, I pay close attention to the layouts and fonts used in magazines, websites and on product boxes – yes, I am a little strange. One evening, while writing an article for Families.com, my girl climbed up on my lap and wanted to see what I was … Continue reading

Working over the Weekend

When you work from home, it’s hard to “clock out” as Kori blogged about earlier this week. Work is always there. So when the weekend comes, sometimes it’s hard to escape. For me, writing can actually be relaxing. However, I also need to make sure that I put work away and be part of the family. The best way for me to “take time off” is to get out of the house. For my birthday, my husband bought me a laptop. So right now I am sitting on the couch watching cartoons with my children. This is what they want … Continue reading

The $100 Laptop

What if you could buy a laptop that would do everything you needed it to, for only $100? Nicholas Negroponte started the organization one laptop per child (OLPC), a non-profit with the sole intention of getting a laptop given to every child in underdeveloped nations. With the help of some people at MIT they were able to come up with a laptop with a $100 price tag. The laptop is simple in design, with its sole intention being to give children the ability to learn via the web in countries where the best schools and resources may not be available. … Continue reading