It’s My Budget and I’ll Cry if I Want To.

About a month ago we got an unexpected bill in the mail. Yes, we did purchase the new refrigerator, and yes we did take delivery of it, but really, we thought we’d already paid for it a couple of months ago. Really. I know this sounds incredibly irresponsible and very unlike anything you’d ever do, but we really just sort of forgot to …budget for it. We needed a new fridge – the other one was really old and didn’t go with our new kitchen cabinets, so we had to have a new one. (Do I sound a bit like … Continue reading

Five Additional Expenses to Consider When Buying a Home

If you have never bought a house before, or you are considering moving up in house size and price, there are several factors that you will need to take into consideration. It is important that as you take this important financial step that you do not overextend yourself, and end up in a negative situation. Here are five things you should consider. 1) The bank will be willing to loan you more than you can really afford. Most experts feel that housing should not take up more than twenty five percent of your budget. If you make $2000.00 a month … Continue reading

The Importance of Saving for a Down Payment

If you have ever dreamed of home ownership then you must have thought about the dreaded down payment. It is recommended by most people to save between ten and twenty percent of the home’s cost for a down payment. This can be a large amount of money depending on the type of home that you buy. If you were to buy a moderately priced house of $150,000, this means that you would need to save between $15,000 and $30,000 for your home. There are many other options available to new homebuyers these days. Many mortgage companies are willing to let … Continue reading