Daily Dose of Laughter

Maybe I’m just old but I really don’t get half the programs on Cartoon Network. But apparently kids do. As I sit listening to the rain pound against my hotel window (we’re under a tornado watch!) Tyler is absorbed in that silly program about the Grim Reaper. Bill and Mandy or something like that. Anyway, he’s been watching TV all day since the weather is too bad to leave the hotel and he’s totally enjoying the silly jokes and shenanigans being displayed. Periodically I have glanced at the screen to see if I can get a handle on what’s going … Continue reading

Laughter: The Best Medicine

Remember the old adage that laughter is the best medicine? Well, it seems that it’s true, laughter really is good for us. According to a recent poll by Harris Interactive of nearly 3,000 adults in the U.S., 98% of parents said that having a sense of humor in life is a key ingredient in raising happy, well-rounded children. The parents also ranked humor as being almost as important as reading and writing in terms of life skills. Laughter not only improves your child’s cognitive skills but aids in the development of social and emotional development as well. It helps kids … Continue reading