Judge Overturns Arizona Law that Violated Medicaid Rules

Medicaid is a public form of health insurance that provides coverage for people who are low-income. A Judge has overturned a law in Arizona that would have barred Planned Parenthood from receiving Medicaid funding. The law violates Medicaid’s freedom of choice provision. Medicaid is funded by both the federal government and the government of an individual state. Recently, Governor Jan Brewer expand that Arizona would expand its Medicaid program. The federal government offers funding to enable states to do that. The funding would be used to cover more low-income people who cannot afford to purchase a health plan from a … Continue reading

ACLU Ends Legal Challenge to Kansas Insurance Law

This is the end of a court case that had been going on for a very long time. The ACLU sued the state of Kansas over a law that would require health insurance companies to exclude coverage for abortion from policies. The case was scheduled to be heard in March. The settlement prevents the ACLU from raising the same claims in future cases. This particular insurance court case has been going on since 2011. The original judge assigned to the case passed away before the case could be heard. The case was passed to another judge, and then to a … Continue reading

Kansas Law Restricting Coverage for Abortion Goes to Trial

This is a court case that has been going on for a very long time! A judge has ruled that a Kansas law that restricts private insurance companies from offering plans that include coverage for abortion will go to trial. The purpose of the trial is to determine of the law poses a substantial obstacle to women who are seeking an abortion. First, a little history. In 2011, the state of Kansas passed a law that prohibited private insurance companies from including coverage for abortions as part of a general health insurance plan. The only exception to the law would … Continue reading

Health Insurance Companies Required to Cover Autism

Many states have new requirements for insurance companies this year. In several states, it is now mandatory that health insurance policies will cover the costs of diagnosing and treating autism. The new laws will have a big impact on families who have children who are on the autism spectrum. It can be overwhelming to learn that your child has autism, especially if you don’t have a very clear idea of what that means, or what to do to help your child. The expense involved with diagnosis, treatment, and working with the variety of specialists that your child needs can quickly … Continue reading

Fireworks…Do You Know the Law?

With tomorrow being the Fourth of July/Independence Day, it seems fitting to talk a little about the dangers and realities of fireworks. I wrote a week or two about the safety concerns regarding kids, families, and fireworks, but this morning I thought I would talk a little about the law. Do you know the law in your state and town when it comes to what sort of fireworks are legal and where it is permissible to set them off? In my own state, fireworks like bottle rockets, roman candles and real firecrackers are illegal. This certainly doesn’t stop people from … Continue reading

Marriage In the News: April 1, 2007

Bi-Partisan Committee Announces Disallowing Marriage as a Legal Institution In an effort to reach an accord with all disparate views the California legislature announced today that they will be introducing a bill that if passed by the legislature and signed by Governor Schwarzenegger will disallow the use of the word ‘marriage’ in any state documents including licenses and more. All couples, both heterosexual and homosexual will be able to apply for Civil Union licenses. Civil unions will be recognized with all the rights usually attributable to ‘married’ couples. When asked about the recommendation of the committee, one member stated under … Continue reading

What Do You Call Your Mother-In-Law?

This may sound like an odd question, but what do you call your in-laws? I know some couples who call them the formal Mrs. Last Name, I know others that call them by the more familiar first name, still others who just drop the formality and call them Mom or Momma First Name. The reason I ask about what you call your in-laws, particularly your mother-in-law can seem to have a real effect on your parents and their reaction to your in-laws. For Me Personally I’ve known my husband’s mother for more than a decade and we’re very close. I’ve … Continue reading

When Size Affects Income

Size discrimination affects skinny people as well as obese people. One does not have to be anorexic to have an ultra thin frame. One of my aunts is 5’8” tall and wears a size 6. She doesn’t like to talk about weight although she has never been larger. Occasionally, she hears negative comments about her size which makes her angry. These are rude, insensitive comments that she has heard for most of her life. Throughout her twenties and thirties, she was no larger than a size 4. In her adolescent years, she could wear a size zero. She has been … Continue reading

Mom Retains Custody of Son Suffering from Obesity

Nicola McKeown, age 35, a resident of Wallsend, in northeastern England, was permitted to keep her son after a child protection meeting with officials of North Tyneside Council. As part of the agreement, McKeown had to agree to place her son on a stringent diet and exercise regime. How did it come to this? Under the Children Act, local law officials must investigate if there is reason to believe that a child in their jurisdiction is being harmed or suffering. Connor McCreaddie, age 8, would have been placed on a child protection register and taken from his family because he … Continue reading

Kosher: What is chalav Yisrael?

Chalav Yisroel, very loosely translated as “Jewish milk” is a stringency in the laws of kashrut (kosher) that stipulates that all milk and dairy products should be manufactured under Jewish supervision. This means that either the cows should be milked by Jews or the milking and the production of cheeses, ice creams and other dairy foods should be done with a Jew in attendance. A common misconception about chalav Yisroel is that any dairy food with a kosher label is automatically chalav Israel. Milk and cheese with the OU-D symbol, for instance, are kosher products (coming from kosher animals with … Continue reading