Lawn Guardians and R-E-S-P-E-C-T

Earlier I wrote about my nemesis neighbor, Mr. LG. Since he’s spawned two blogs today, you can see I’m pretty worked up about him. It’s All About Respect In my years of walking a dog, I have encountered situations like this where people don’t want my dog on their lawn. Even though I always make sure to pick up any Murphy droppings, some people just don’t want a dog pooping in their yard period. Some have been nicer than others about making their requests, but no matter how they ask, I always respect them. It is their yard after all. … Continue reading

My Nemesis, the Lawn Guardian

This morning I encountered a neighbor who I consider my nemesis because he never fails to irk me. Specifically he aggravates one of the few pet peeves that can spark my fury. (And ask anyone who knows me. I don’t get furious very often, but when I do…it’s nuclear.) His offense? He’s insolent. To the max. This neighbor is what I call a Lawn Guardian. In fact, that’s how I’ll refer to him from here on out, as Mr. LG. About a year ago, Mr. LG made it perfectly clear upon moving into his new home that he did not … Continue reading