
My husband and I are considering a move to Arizona. Among the excitement about the adventure of living in a new state, I am anxious to have a gas clothes dryer again. I am not even a little bit dreading shopping for new appliances. Sears is running a commercial offering layaway on major appliances and it makes me a little nostalgic. My family took advantage of layaway a lot while I was growing up. With layaway you could put a deposit down on your purchase and make payments at agreed upon intervals until the purchase was paid for. When the … Continue reading

All About Layaway

Putting items on layaway seem to many to be a quaint tradition of Christmas past, much the same as the bank Christmas Club savings account. With the easy availability of both band and store credit cards, layaway went out of fashion. By did you know that there are still many large stores that offer layaway plans? And a layaway plan may be a great option to help you avoid credit card debt. What is layaway? With layaway, you are able to purchase a product and then pay it off gradually. You don’t actually take possession of the item until it … Continue reading

Another Pitfall of Hard Economic Times

In addition to the risk of your gift cards becoming worthless, another consideration must be taken when shopping during tougher economic times. This is to remember that no matter how big or impressive a retailer is, they still can go under. What does this mean for you? Be careful of buying anything into the future. Certainly, a gift card is one example of buying into the future. So are gift certificates. These are actually samples of unsecured loans. You are giving the retailer a loan for your future purchase. If they go bankrupt, typically unsecured loans only receive a payback … Continue reading

Luxury Items

If you are on a tight budget, or you otherwise cannot justify making certain luxury purchases, there are ways to incorporate certain luxuries into your lifestyle without blowing the budget or feeling guilty. One great way to do so is to buy joint gifts. If everyone in your family wants a flat screen TV, why not make it a family Christmas present? Cut back on other smaller, individual gifts to make the larger purchase. A dishwasher might be another luxury item that would make life easier for the entire family. Even the kids will appreciate it when they can go … Continue reading