Preparing for a Layoff

If you are worried that a layoff might be in your future, then it is important to start preparing right now. Make sure that you do the following now, so you will be in good financial shape if you do get laid off. Medical Costs Now is the time to take advantage of your insurance. If you get laid off, you may not be able to carry insurance, depending on how long your were in your job and whether or not you can afford private insurance. Have every member of the family get physicals and well visits, so you can … Continue reading

Why You Shouldn’t Slack—On The Job—Around The Holidays

If you are looking to advance your career you shouldn’t let the lure of dancing sugarplums and gingerbread men distract you this holiday season. According to career counselors, the holidays are no time to be slacking in your efforts if you are trying to move up the career ladder. On the contrary, experts say this is a time of real opportunity because a lot of your competitors are taking time off to decorate their homes, spend time with their families, and purchase gifts to stick under the tree. In addition, studies show the beginning of a new year is often … Continue reading