Leap Year or Not—February is a Short Month for Business

I have mixed feelings about February. To begin with, it is my birthday month, so I am rather fond of it for that reason only. From a work perspective, however, it tends to give me a bit of stress. With 2-3 days less in the month, you would think that it might make things easier but for a woman who needs every day an every hour to try to generate income—three (or two) in a leap year less days can have an effect on my bottom line and my energy level. I imagine it might be more mental than anything—I … Continue reading

The Gift of February 29

Today we have all been given a gift: Leap Day! It’s a precious treasure that only comes around every four years. Why do I consider it a precious treasure? Because I don’t know about you, but it’s not every year I’m given an extra day to spend with my loved ones. Think about that. Today you can sneak in one more hug, one more kiss, one more “I love you.” That’s something I touched upon in It’s Never Enough: Cherishing Each Married Moment. About how when a spouse passes, whether you’re aware it’s looming or not, you’ll never be prepared … Continue reading