Pre-Teen Angst Already?

It’s hard to imagine it, but your toddler experiences a variety of emotions and phases that are a pre-cursor for the pre-teen angst they will go through in a decade or so. It happens to most babies sometime between 13 and 18 months. The snuggly, loving baby that adored cuddling doesn’t want to be held anymore and would rather push away and toddle around. They get cranky and irritable a lot faster and it seems like you are always offering them what they don’t want. Exercising Independence Your baby is just exercising his or her independence. They are becoming more … Continue reading

Life Management Skills

When it comes to getting married, too often the burdens of expectation are not jointly delivered with the education to support life after marriage. For many of us, products of mixed, blended and single-family homes – there is no automatic assumption of what one does when one gets married. In fact, when I got married I remember thinking what do I know about marriage? Seriously, what did I know? I knew how to be me. I knew that my husband and I were best friends. I knew that we could have a great time together. I knew we’d enjoyed getting … Continue reading

Did They Really Say That?

Twenty years ago, I didn’t read Newsweek Magazine – at least I didn’t read it willingly. At the age of 14, I had more important things to read – like entertainment magazines that highlighted the upcoming videos on MTV ( remember when MTV actually showed videos – sigh), Anyway, twenty years or so ago, there was an infamous Newsweek cover story that highlighted the fact that a 40 year old woman was more likely to be killed by a terrorist than to get married. Now, you may be sitting here and doing the math – 20 years ago it was … Continue reading

The Marriage Guide Book – What Every Wife Needs to Know

We talked about how nice it would be to get a handbook on tips for what you need to know as a wife. As with What Every Husband Needs to Know, the following are some tips offered by wives for newly married or soon to be married women. What Every Wife Needs to Know includes: Men are protective by nature. That protective nature can sometimes seem stifling. Try to understand that your husband does trust you, he just doesn’t trust anyone else. Communicate with him and work together to make sure he can still protect you, while not limiting your … Continue reading