Letting Go

It is interesting to watch a person learn to walk. That is one of my favorite parts of child development. It is such a huge milestone to see your child take those first steps. I love it. My daughter walked just a couple of days after her first birthday. I just couldn’t believe how quickly she progressed from that first baby step, to full blown walking everywhere. My middle child walked a few days before his first birthday. And, his walk was hilarious. He would hold one arm out to the side and sway it back and forth wildly, while … Continue reading

Helping Your Baby’s Development

We talked about when will your baby walk yesterday and I mentioned that it is better not to rush them. Your baby develops at his or her own personal rate. Still there are things you can do to help facilitate your baby’s development without rushing them or pushing them beyond what they are ready for. How Can I Help My Baby? When your baby begins to try and pull him or herself up to stand, you may have to help them figure out how to sit back down again. It sounds funny, but remember – your baby has never walked … Continue reading

When Will They Walk?

As milestones go, when your baby begins to walk is considered the hurdle between infant and toddler. After all, a toddler is someone who toddles around and until your baby takes those first few precarious and precious steps – they are still an infant. Too many parents are so eager for each stage that they live and breathe by the recommendations in books like What to Expect in The First Year. There’s nothing wrong with these recommendations, but while some babies are beginning to toddle at 9 months, other babies may take until they are 18 months. My daughter was … Continue reading