Author Interview — Michaela Riley

Yesterday I reviewed a book entitled “Embittered Justice.” Today we are joined by the author of that book, Michaela Riley. Michaela, thank you for being here with us today. Your new book “Embittered Justice” is the story of a woman who is put on trial for something she did not do. How did you arrive at the idea for this plot, and how did you tap into those feelings of betrayal? Writing my first book “Embittered Justice” was what some would call a labor of love. Inspiration for the book started when I had the personal misfortune of spending time … Continue reading

Bad Parents Have Legal Rights

When our adopted children first came to live with us, the parental rights of their birth mother had not been resolved. This happens in many, if not most, adoptions. I will warn you that the process can be very frustrating. We have adopted five maternal brothers which involved two separate adoption proceedings. In the first one, there never was much doubt that she was going to drag it out as long as possible and then sign relinquishment papers. However, she threatened to contest the right to retain her parental rights in the second adoption. The birth mother of our boys … Continue reading