Ever Dreamt of Being a Banker?

Now is your time to make your dream come true. No, you don’t have to have an Ivy League degree, or a degree of any sort at all actually. You don’t have to have a snazzy business suit or impress your colleagues with a gold-plated money clip. Instead, people across America are sitting down at their computer at home and lending out money to their fellow Americans every day. It’s a website called Prosper.com. It is based on the theory that if you are saving money in a bank account at a 4% interest rate, and your neighbor is borrowing … Continue reading

Lending Out Books

Okay, so we’ve established the need for a home library and now your friends are jealous. You found the latest hot fiction novel at a yard sale for .50 and they want to borrow it. The thing is, Clarabelle already borrowed your Nora Roberts and Elsie borrowed your Clive Cussler and Trixie has your Candace Salima. How are you going to keep track of who has what book? And what if they don’t give it back? And why do your friends all sound like they were named after cows? 1. Keep a notebook on your bookshelf. Write down (from left … Continue reading