Teaching Kinesthetic Learners

Teaching kinesthetic learners can be very trying for some teachers. Many teachers are still stuck in the thought that students should sit perfectly still and listen. Any movement indicates to the teacher that the student is not listening and learning. However, teaching kinesthetic learners can be very fun. Lessons that involvement movement and activity is usually enjoyed by all students and the teacher alike. While kinesthetic students actually need the movement to enhance their lesson, most other types of learners of students will find the activities interesting and entertaining. When planning a lesson for kinesthetic students involve as much physical … Continue reading

Characteristics of Kinesthetic Learners

This is the last type of learner in my series of learning types that teachers should strive to meet the needs of in their lesson plans. Previously I gave the characteristics of auditory and visual learners. I also gave teachers ideas on how to reach the needs of these students in the classroom. This article will focus on the group of learners that learn best through movement. Students who need movement for enrichment and learning are called kinesthetic learners. This type of students is also sometimes known as the tactile learner group. Students in this group need frequent movement through … Continue reading

Characteristics of Auditory Learners

Previously, I discussed the importance of planning lessons to meet the needs of the three major types of learners: auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. In my next articles, I will now begin to discuss the characteristics of each of those types. I will also give ideas for helping and reaching these learners in the classroom. Auditory learners learn best by listening and communicating with others. Auditory learners do well with lectures. Older auditory learners can listen to a good speaker for hours. They often express themselves best through written and oral means of communication. This group usually contains good communicators. This … Continue reading