What Do You Hold Onto?

‘You can never tell what’s inside a person’s private heart and soul, but you can tell a lot about a person by what they hold onto over the years.’ This quote comes from a movie ‘Thicker than Water,’ starring Melissa Gilbert. After her father’s death, she is handed a box by the housekeeper Abigail who has been with the family for many years. Inside the box she finds those things sends her looking for secrets from her father’s life. In the process she learns a lot about her family and herself. Melissa Gilbert has been a favorite actress of mine … Continue reading

Don’t Get Discouraged When Rebuilding Your Life

Life after a separation, divorce, death or other crisis that has brought you to single parenthood can be a real roller coaster. Even for those of us who CHOOSE to become single parents, the realities of life as a solo mom or dad may be quite different from what we expected. The important thing is to have patience with yourself and with the adjustment process; keep putting one foot in front of the other, and try not to get discouraged. Rebuilding a life can be tough! No one said it was going to be easy, sure, but many of us … Continue reading

Fitness Notes: How Do You See Yourself?

I was reading Kaye’s blog Confessions of an Avid Exerciser: My Deep Dark Secrets yesterday and I found myself grinning. I couldn’t fault the reason why she loves her daily exercise and what keeps her motivated. I like to eat too – in fact, I hate dieting with a raging passion. I hate being told I can’t have something to eat that I like a lot. It’s probably a psychological problem, but I don’t see myself that way. I just see myself as someone who enjoys life and so I look at my exercise as a way that I get … Continue reading

Mom’s Day Out

Moms are a species until themselves and if you’re a mom like me, you know that time is definitely a premium. Moms have a dual challenge when it comes to exercising because they have numerous commitments and obligations that eat into their time. We talk about girl’s night out over in the Marriage blog and we’ve discussed why wives and moms need their girlfriends – so how about combining the two in a manner that promotes not only those social connections, but also physical fitness. Get together with your girlfriends and take turns hosting fitness parties. You can get together … Continue reading

Married Life: A Tale of Give and Take

Married life requires individuals to develop trust and a balance between giving and taking. Control issues can often trip up couples up when they are learning to mesh their lives and their habits together into a cohesive whole. Even couples who cohabitated before they got married discover that married life is very different in expectation and execution. Whether you are used to having control issues or not, when two people join their lives together – there is always a certain amount of power struggle that occurs. It doesn’t even have to be a conscious struggle for power, the need for … Continue reading

House Husbands – Emasculated or Enlightened?

How many househusbands do you know? Consider it and don’t be surprised if you know a lot more housewives than you do house husbands. There’s a reason for it, our society doesn’t endorse the idea of husbands staying at home and being Mr. Mom. Just rent the Michael Keaton film to get an idea of the perceptions – weirdly enough – though that movie was made in the 1980s, the perception of househusbands has not changed all that much in 30 years. I know three couples that have househusbands where the wife goes to work and Dad brings up the … Continue reading