Towel Tips

Is your linen closet overflowing with mismatched towels? Or can you never find a clean towel when you need one? Fluffy warm towels can be a luxury that doesn’t cost a fortune. And, a well-organized linen closet can make it a pleasure to take your shower or bath, make it easier to have guests over and just set a nice tone for the rest of your closets. Here are some tips about towels. Let’s start with how many towels you actually need. I would suggest two to four towels per person living in your home. Most people go through a … Continue reading

Coming Out of the (Linen) Closet

Do they have twelve step programs for towel addicts? I really hope so. Yes, there I said it. I love towels. I’m addicted to terri cloth and can’t imagine life without tons oftowels, be they soft and fluffy or thin and durable. There are oversized bath towels to wrap up in after a hot bath. There are teeny tiny square towels that are used to wipe sticky faces and hands. There are kitchen towels, and wash clothes and towels for the shower. There are towels to step on after the shower. And towels to use to clean up the excess … Continue reading

Bathroom Cabinets And Other Cluttered Things

The bathroom has its own particular type of clutter but a rose by any other name, as the saying goes. Bathroom clutter is usually more specific than that found in other rooms. It is not known to be diverse. It usually comes in the form of toiletries, medicines, towels and the like. Apart from the occasional motorcycle collection, that’s about it. As far as the toiletries go, you may have a medicine cabinet or a linen closet where you store them. These rules of thumb and forefinger apply to either storage place. Weed out your toiletries. (And use weed killer, … Continue reading

Organizing Your Linen Closet

Years ago I was visiting a friend at her rented beach home. While she packed a picnic lunch I gathered other essentials we would need for our day in the sun. I headed to the linen closet to retrieve some beach towels, pulled the door open and was instantly hit with an avalanche of towels, sheets, and rugs. I still smile when I remember the scene. My friend later revealed that instead of opening the closet door all the way, she would open it a crack, shove clean items in, and immediately slam it shut, thereby avoiding the jack-in-the-box release … Continue reading