Week in Review — September 17th – 22nd

We’ve had a lot of great articles here in LDS this last week. In case you missed any, here’s a rundown for you: Tristi wondered if it was time to address a sensitive topic in Is It Time to Teach Your Child the Facts of Life? She also posed questions about our willingness to share our religious beliefs in Do We Share What We Believe? In Chances to Be Good, she discussed the ways in which we are given the opportunity to live our beliefs. Miriam presented Week 35 in her dinner discussion series, and in Treating Others Kindly, addressed … Continue reading

Literacy Links

Who can argue that literacy is one of the greatest blessings we have, one of the most important skills we need to learn, a gift that we give ourselves and to our children, and that helping someone else learn to read one of the most satisfactory experiences we can ever have? The written word is an astonishing thing. You can become educated and entertained with a book, you can learn new skills, escape to another place, receive spiritual enlightenment, find friendship when you’re lonely — I can think of no other medium that can give us all these things. As … Continue reading

LDS Week in Review September 1-September 7

We’ve had a great week here in the LDS section of Families.com. In case you missed any blogs, here is a recap: In “Humbled or Picked On?” Tristi talked about the meaning of humility and how being humble in our trials can bring us closer to Christ. In “Dinner Discussions 2007 Week 33,” Miriam told us the study focus for our children for the week, in the different age groups. In “Asking Heavenly Father for Help,” Tristi discussed the reasons why we need to pray for help instead of just expecting it to appear. In “The Physical Laws in Spirituality,” … Continue reading