How To Get Your Kids To Listen To You

“Are you listening to me?” How many times a day do you find yourself saying these five little words to your kids? Sometimes your kids aren’t listening because they are engaged in a more exciting activity but many times kids simply tune you out. One reason for this is because we spend a lot of time telling our kids to “do this” and “do that” or we lecture (i.e. nag) them. When we open our mouth they have grown to expect that what we are about to say won’t be pleasing, so they will tune you out. What you have … Continue reading

Relationship Dynamics: Enhancing Your Listening Skills

Listening is one of the best skills a couple can develop together and individually in order to enhance their relationship. While communication is highlighted as one of the major areas where relationships breakdown, it’s not just about what you say, but what you hear and because listening is a skill that needs to be cultivated – a good listener can go a long way towards keeping the channels of communication open. It’s important to remember that listening skills have to be developed on an individual, person to person basis – you may not be able to improve your spouse’s listening … Continue reading

Walking the Mother-Daughter Tightrope (2)

Continuing on from Walking the Tightrope of the Mother-Daughter Relationship (1), today we’ll look at ways in which to make the transition through the teenage years as smooth as possible. Below are some suggestions for positive actions to help strengthen the mother-daughter relationship. 1. Brush up on your listening skills. Your role as a mother is changing from one of doing most things for your daughter to one of letting her make her own mistakes. Encourage her to talk about issues that are bothering her. This is a growing-up period for you, not just for her, and part of that … Continue reading