Ways to Save Money Living On One Income

Time to work on you marriage and spend with children, are not the only benefits of living on a single income. Living on one income can help you become more careful with money. How? Read on. When it came to groceries Mick and I figured out early on that the fewer times we went near the supermarket the better off we were. Grocery shopping was once a month. It means making a list and ensuring you are not going to run out of necessary items. If you do, then go without till the next shop, unless it is absolutely essential. … Continue reading

Can You Live on One Income? Taxes Explained

The decision to live on one income is a big one. You may have to cut back drastically on your expenses, such as giving up a cell phone or a car. But for those who dream of having one person stay home, the sacrifices can be worth it. In fact, living on one income may actually make you healthier, despite the reduction in income. How do you know if you are in a position to live on one income? Let’s take a look. The way to approach the question of being able to live on one income is to calculate … Continue reading

Living on One Income

Marily addressed this important issue in her article, You Can Do it! How to Switch to One Income. I want to elaborate a bit since this is a big issue for many families. Marily may also have more to share, but I don’t think there can be too much information when it comes to making such an important decision. If staying home and living on one income doesn’t seem feasible right now, you may still be able to do it if you do so slowly, transitionally, instead of taking a leap. It may require that you go from full time … Continue reading