Can You See Through to a Logical Outcome?

How often have you been so caught up in the minutia of your daily grind that you just could not see the forest for the trees? As a home business owner, it can be downright tough to see how what we do today (or what we did yesterday) will result in what we want down the road. It can be important, therefore, to learn how to train ourselves to see things long term; to learn how to think things through and see the logical and inevitable outcome in the distance. Plotting things out, or thinking it through to the logical … Continue reading

Do You Need to be More (or Less) Logical?

While I have always had a strong vein of logic running through me, I think I have become somewhat more detached and appreciative of logical reasoning as I’ve gotten older. Meanwhile, with three kids of very different temperaments, I have also had to learn that some respond well to logic and others need a little less of it… The truth is, some kids respond really well to logic. This can be challenging for a parent who is a little more on the intuitive or emotional side of things. These kids need to know the cause and effect of things and … Continue reading

Balancing Heart and Mind

As a single parent, I can get a little too heavy on the check lists and life goals. I suppose it is because I feel like I have little room for error and maybe a bit of a chip on my shoulder. I think in the back of my brain I imagine I must have something to prove. Other single parents might be heavy on the emotions and less into the practical goals. Finding a balance is important for all of us—finding a way to rely on both our brains and our hearts to guide us on the single parent … Continue reading