Does Absence Make the Heart Grow Fonder?

There is a line in a song by Barenaked Ladies that says “Absence makes the heart grow fungus.” It is a funny take on the famous saying about how being apart makes you desire your partner even more than you might normally do. But the other side of this is implied in that line of the song. If you are emotionally absent, then the relationship can moulder and die. So, what are some of the ways that absence might make the heart grow fonder? Forget the annoyances All of those little things that build up and seem so annoying at … Continue reading

How to Deal with Time Spent Apart

I remember reading somewhere that Paul and Linda McCartney never spent a night apart from each other during the entire length of their marriage. While I don’t know if this is true or not, I think it would be a wonderful goal for a couple. Still, there are inevitable times when you have to be physically separated from each other. Maybe one spouse is in the armed forces, or has to take an extended business trip or has to care for family far away. Whatever the reason, it isn’t usually easy to be apart. Here are some tips on dealing … Continue reading

Thoughts on Long-Distancing It: 3 Relationship Survival Must Haves

In my “Thoughts on Long-Distancing It” series, I’ve covered how commuter marriages are born and that breakdowns are inevitable. You might have gleaned from these articles that stress is to be expected and often accompanies the situation. But stress can also be managed and doesn’t have to destroy your relationship. (Because it can if you don’t keep it in check.) The three things you must have to ensure your relationship survives the long-distancing it phase are: 1. Patience I put this first because it’s the most essential. You are going to experience turbulence in a long distance arrangement. It might … Continue reading