Long Term Career Goals vs. Short Term Survival

I have met and known many individuals who struggle along, living at home, on unemployment or receiving some other type of assistance. When you stop to ask them why? Their response is often, “I still haven’t found my career job or calling.” It is important to not let your long term goals hold you back from short term survival. In the career realm, it is ideal to have both short and long term career goals. In order to succeed you really must have shorter and longer range plans, and follow both. If you are unemployed or still in school, start … Continue reading

Asset Allocation Chart

I received the coolest chart in the mail today from T. Rowe Price, so I had to share. They call it their Asset Allocation Chart; it is a quick tool to help you decide how to manage an investment portfolio depending on the timeframe you will need the money. What I liked in particular about this simple chart, was it went beyond the basic retirement portfolio and offered some advice on shorter-term investments as well. If you are not already an account holder at T. Rowe Price, I am sure you could call them to have one sent to you. … Continue reading