RS/EQ: Forbearance

Similar to forgiveness comes the word forbear. If you check the footnotes for Matthew 18:21-22, you will find a suggestion to check the Topical Guide for this intriguing word. I have to confess that, despite being well-read, I had only a tentative grasp on the word. With that in mind, I checked the dictionary, where I found several definitions of the word. The one that seemed to best suit our discussion was “to be tolerant or patient in the face of provocation.” As I went through the TG, I found that most of the scriptures related well to forgiveness, at … Continue reading

Devotions of Patience

Ahh, patience. If you were to ask me the top five things I struggle with in my life patience would definitely rank in the top five. I am not sure why, but I definitely struggle with patience. Although, with that said, I can see a difference in the amount of patience I have now in comparison with only a few years ago. Things like my dogs teach me patience. Things like my husband teach me patience (I’m smiling on the inside). I am certain that if I am blessed with children, my children will teach me patience. For many people, … Continue reading