Eating without Needing a Hazmat Suit

Foods today contain harmful chemicals that not only cause disease, and that is bad enough, but disrupt hormones and cause weight gain.  You mat be having trouble losing weight due to chemicals in processed foods.  Why should all your hard work and good health be threatened by chemicals? Clean out your cupboards and cleanse your body by eating whole foods and not processed, sugary and chemical filled foods. The idea seems daunting but the process can be simplified into small steps. The first thing you want to do is avoid anything with high fructose corn syrup. It causes your blood … Continue reading

Top Pick: 100 Pound Loser {eBook}

Book:  100 Pound Loser Author:  Jessica Heights Format:  Kindle, eBook Cost:  $4.99 Book Description: Witty and candid, 100 Pound Loser is a motivational weight loss tool written by a mother of four whose jaw-dropping 100 pound weight loss story and practical advice will inspire, encourage, and motivate readers to conquer their weight loss goals and appreciate their bodies, regardless of the numbers on the scale. From the text: “I wrote this because I’m just like you…I’ve been where you are: feeling tired, sluggish, and out of shape. Wanting to make positive changes for your health, but overwhelmed by the enormity … Continue reading

Major Accomplishments

One great thing about all of this exercising and cutting back on especially sugar is the fact that I seem to have more energy. My stamina is improving of course, but also my energy levels during the day. But first, I have to tell you about a major accomplishment I had this week. Lately, we have had more than our fair share of rain. It has been raining so hard and for so long, that the roads and our driveway looked like a hurricane hit them, a challenge for walking, even if it weren’t raining. So, I have been focuses … Continue reading

Listening to the Pillsbury Dough Boy

Being on intimate terms with my body, you think I would listen to it more often. It is just amazing how many of us go through life living almost outside of ourselves. Sure, we propel along through the day in our bodies, but most of the time, we are somewhere else. This is, or was, me. See if you can relate. I make sure to prepare healthy lunches for my kids, making sure that they include enough calcium, protein, complex carbohydrates (including those fruits and vegetables). I want to take care of their bodies so they can be strong and … Continue reading

Protecting Your Husband’s Heart and More

The other day we looked at protecting your marriage but have you ever thought about whether there is anything you need to do or change in your lifestyle to protect your husband’s health? After all, you want him around for a long time to come, don’t you? Statistics have shown that carrying too much weight around can be bad for the heart and can also lead to other problems such as diabetes. Do you make sure your husband eats a healthy diet with plenty of vegetables, and fruit? Now I’m not suggesting you go vegetarian, as many men are fond … Continue reading

Weight a Minute! No Secret Ingredient

Caution: This blog contains movie spoilers. But it’s all for a good cause. Last week, I blogged about “Kung Fu Panda” and the lessons I learned from Po, the cute, overweight star of the show. I wanted to save the most important lesson for last and give it a blog all of its own, and here it is. Toward the end of the movie, when Po finally gets his paws on the Dragon Scroll, he opens it to discover that there’s nothing written on it. He’s discouraged and feels let down until his father lets him in on something else … Continue reading

Women’s Fitness: Target Your Hips

The sad part about being a woman is that we carry most of our excess weight on our hips, tummy, thighs and bottom end. Many people think that those are the hardest areas to lose weight off of, but the truth is – anywhere you want to trim excess inches is usually the hardest area. There’s an old saying that the first place you gain weight is the last place you lose it. But today, let’s talk about our hips and trimming excess inches off of them. There are plenty of specific area exercises that you can do to target … Continue reading

Weight a Minute! Circles, Triangles, and Puzzle Pieces

Current Weight: 260.2 That’s not the worst of weights, and it’s not the best of weights. You’ll recall my gleeful ramblings about protein when last we met – well, I made a tactical error and ran out before pay day. So I was more than half a week without a protein supplement, and we’ve already established that I’m not a big protein partaker-of, and so I lost some of the benefits right there. When I went grocery shopping the other day, I stocked up, so hopefully that won’t happen again. I’m at a point right now where I feel like … Continue reading

Tyra’s New Body Image Campaign

In a previous blog I addressed former supermodel Tyra Banks’ recent weight gain. In a follow up blog I wrote about how the current talk-show host used her show as a platform to lash out at tabloid editors who dubbed her “Tyra Porkchop” and “America’s Next Top Waddle.” Did you see the show? I watched her rip into her critics and couldn’t help but cheer her on, though I did so in the confines of my own living room. Apparently, there were others out there that took their support for Tyra’s message a bit further. Producers of “The Tyra Banks … Continue reading

Diary of an Overweight Mom: Did I Succeed or Did I Fail?

We’re finally home from our weekend in Arizona. The kids had a great time playing in Grandma’s yard and roasting marshmallows at Grandpa’s. As promised, the Thanksgiving table was filled with yummy dishes, and the temptations didn’t stop there. On Friday night we were treated to a barbecue of burgers and bratwurst…and my mom’s delicious potato salad. On Saturday we grilled again at my dad’s and my step-mom made a delicious banana pudding for dessert. BANANA PUDDING…my favorite dessert of all (next to banana cream pie). So you’ve probably guessed that I lost all sense of restraint and dived head … Continue reading