The Demise of a Pet

Do you have pets? Have you ever lost a pet? Young or old, we become very attached to our furry friends. For many families, a pet is another member of that family. The loss of a pet can therefore be very painful. It may be especially difficult for young children whom have not yet experienced loss. It’s good to talk about the demise of a pet with your child. You can find children’s books on the death of a pet that may be helpful, but if your child is extremely distraught, you may want to ask your pediatrician for a … Continue reading

Ten Ways to Memorialize Your Pet

Hold a memorial service. Invite the people who love you and your pets to join you in reminiscing about your beloved friend. Friends and family members may want to help you plan the event. Create a special photo album or scrapbook to remember your lost pet. When you feel especially lonely, you can recall your special times together by paging through your scrapbook. Make a donation to your local shelter — or the shelter where you met your friend. Money is always welcomed by animal shelters and rescues, or you could choose to donate your pet’s favorite food, favorite treat, … Continue reading