Comforting Your Spouse

We all know that men and women are different. We are built differently, we think differently, and we also need to be comforted in different ways. This means that giving comfort to a spouse can be challenging, because we need things that the other may not understand. Women, being nurturers, tend to want to make everything all better. We have to be careful not to push too hard or make it about us. We might think, “If he would just open up, just tell me how he’s feeling and what he needs, I could help.” Many men, however, tend to … Continue reading

If Your Child is Diagnosed with a Hearing Loss

What will happen if my child has a diagnosed hearing loss? Your child will meet regularly with a pediatric audiologist and may have repeated tests to get a very accurate understanding of the level of deficiency. Then, the most likely course of treatment is that your child will receive hearing aids in either one or both ears. Hearing aids come in a variety of styles and can be worn in different ways, inside or outside the body, depending on the age of your child and tolerance to wearing them. It also depends on your child’s level of hearing loss and … Continue reading