Diary of a Cat Care B&B: Two Happy Endings for the Price of One

At the beginning of the summer, someone called the cats-only boarding facility hoping to find her lost cat. She was staying at a nearby hotel and the cat had slipped out when someone had come to the door. (It’s all too easy for this to happen, as I learned when I was on my cross-country trip with Moose and Lally!) We promised to keep an eye out for her cat — a grey kitty with big blue eyes. Since we leave food out for the local feral cats, we often get other wanderers stopping by for a nibble. But months … Continue reading

Preventing A Lost Pet

Sometimes, prevention is the best solution to a lost pet. Make sure your yard is pet-proof. Check for gaps in the fence or holes underneath. Don’t stack things near the fence where your dog or cat could climb up and over! Make sure your home is pet-proof. A dog or cat can easily jump out an open window if it doesn’t have screens. A dog or cat can push open a door that doesn’t latch properly. Keep up the maintenance on all doors and windows! Keep gates and doors securely closed and locked. The best fence in the world will … Continue reading